
Saturday, 16 March 2013

Intermittent Fasting Week 4 - I can't follow rules...

Rules. What are those again? DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO. Seriously. That's my behavior when someone tries to tell me what the 'rules' are. I hate it. I am a rebel. I like to go against the rules. However, that's not to say I won't follow a rule sometimes WHEN I WANT TO. I'm like that. It's the fire in me and my stubborn attitude.

So I'm doing the intermittent fasting diet and I get a whopping zero with regards to the 'rules'. My days go like this:

Monday fasted for 12 hours
Tuesday fasted for 16 hours
Wednesday fasted for 16 hours
Thursday fasted for 18 hours
Friday fasted for 11.5 hours
Saturday fasted for 11 hours
Sunday fasted for 8.5 hours

Why don't I do 16:8 everyday? Because I can't and maybe I don't really want to. My inner conscious says, "that's stupid, you should be eating right now," and I listen to it. Then I eat. Sometimes I am happy with that little voice in my head and other days I think "damn, why didn't you wait just a bit longer". But at the end of the day, it is what it is. I have to learn to live with my diet choices and make the most it. If my diet slips and I eat bad, I ask myself, what are you going to do tomorrow to make up for that, OR how will you use that extra energy with regards to training? EX: ate a lot of chocolate, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I'll say okay - great, that's an excess amount of sugar that is either being stored as glycogen or fat. So I'll make sure to do some HIIT and then later a long walk, this way I hit both my carb stores AND my fat stored. ADDITIONALLY, when I go for my walk and heal my soul, I'll give myself a therapy lesson. Let my mind and body have a chat and get them both to remind them about their goals (as if they are two different people - in a sense they are - but more like a love couple) and then learn from that experience.

Week 4 Progress:

I'm happy that I had a few consecutive days that were great. I think weeks that FLOW with this pattern are most ideal for my social and work life.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading and feel free to share my experience with others!

CB xo

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