
Saturday, 2 March 2013

Intermittent Fasting - Week 2 Ending

Oulala what a week it has been! I started my week 2 of intermittent fasting and I expected to do so much better. I ended up breaking the rules or shall I say 'plan,' a few times. My work hours conflicted with my diet, I ate some food that wasn't necessarily bad for me - but it didn't sit well  and it through me off, and I had to end up eating certain foods in a messed up time schedule, in order to find my balance again, in order to restart properly the next day.

Aside from that, I had a great learning experience on what works for my body, regarding intermittent fasting.
Here is a very important lesson and tip from this weeks experience, for anyone that may be trying it and is worried about a struggle:

If you eat a bad meal the night before, you can't fast efficiently!
So basically in a nutshell, if I don't have a meal high in fat and protein and eat something naughty like chocolate, I will go hypoglycemic sick the next day. If and when I eat a real meal, I can fast without any sick feelings the next day. This is what I have gathered from my own experience. However, some people can have poor food choices one day and then be fine to fast the following day. I don't know how they do that, but for me, my body just starts screaming for nutrients. Perhaps it is because I eat so healthy on a regular basis, that when I eat something bad, I go into shock mode! Anyways, my lesson has been learned and I know how to plan for my fasts, and if I fail to eat the right food, I know I won't fast properly the next day.

Eat lots of vegetables! It's important to keep in mind that if you are going to fast, make sure you eat lots of vegetables at the beginning of your feast, and often throughout the duration of your feeding time. As important meat and fat is in your diet, especially for maintain blood sugar levels and protein requirements, your body needs vegetables AKA fiber! If the first meal you eat is low in fiber you may be stuck in the toilet a little longer than expected. OOPS! Don't want that to happen eh? I generally don't have trouble consuming enough fiber because I LOVE vegetables, but I did notice my pattern of vegetable eating times had changed one day and I noticed a difference. I like to consider myself the #2 queen, because I am proud about my regular bowl movements, but when you change your eating schedule, your #2 timing can change slightly, so it's important for EVERYONE to make sure you're getting enough vegetables and not just  eating anything you can get your hands on.

Here's just a quick video summary of my IF Week 2 Ending:

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